Articles on: FAQs for Users

How can I add content from inside the app?

If you have permission to add content in a channel of your organisation, you will see the ‘Add content’ button in the app.

(On left: iOS; on right: Android)


**In order to add text, image, video and audio cards:**

Click ‘Add content’ button

Fill up the necessary fields, select ‘Mix' (to post in), select if you want the content to 'publish' (you can later publish/un-publish the article or image from the curator dashboard).
Note: If a mix is not listed in your 'Post in’ list, it means either you are not permitted to add content in that mix or the mix is read-only

Select 'Post'

Note: In Android, you need to pre-define and type of content before-hand


Copy the link you want to add to your clipboard and open app

Click on ‘Use copied link’ (Note: ‘Use copied link’ option is only visible when there is a URL copied to clipboard)

Fill out or edit the necessary fields, select ‘Mix' (Post in), select if you want the content to 'publish' (you can later publish/un-publish the article or image from the curator dashboard).

_Note: If a mix is not listed in your 'Post in’ list, it means either you are not permitted to add content in that mix or the mix is read-only

Select 'Post'

_Note: In Android, you need to select the type ‘Article post’ to add content via URL/link


Updated on: 06/09/2022

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